Life is extraordinary by nature. However, our daily existence tends to make us forget that within all our experiences lies a little spark that gives each of them a sense of magic and a taste of the miraculous. While our everyday may feel like normal, common, usual and routine, it also holds the possibility to be unique, different, unexpected and extraordinary.
Here is a list of 5 ways to transform your Life from its ordinary feel to its most extraordinary memory.
1). Challenge your Routine
Look at your Life and consider your daily routine. There are steps that you do as you are bound to them with faithfulness. Whether it is the way you choose to drive from your home to your office or the radio you listen in your car. Whether it is the newspaper you have always been reading or the same time you wake up in the morning. No matter what tends to create your ordinary frame of reference can be moved around, shifted around and interrupted to create a brand new experience. Little changes in your ordinary such as a different road to go to work, a difference reading material, 15 minutes earlier than your accustomed wake up time may be all it takes to encounter the new. To Stretch your ordinary can be as simple as making seemingly significant changes in your routine.
2). Expect the unexpected
When it comes to Life, structuring and planning take a big part of the way we experience it – Set meetings, task-filled agenda, timeline to follow… We are being programed to plan, structure and schedule. The extraordinary, although always present, is most apparent when the mind isn’t busy ensuring the timeline. The Timeline is the structure and must be set for the purpose of the extraordinary to be revealed. Use the structure to guide you, but seek the extraordinary within it.
3). Go beyond appearance
People are extraordinary by essence and given a chance to show it, they will always amaze you. Everyone is a legend. The uniqueness of a human being gives him the most uncommon way to be. Learn to know people, listen to their Truth, open to their world. The more you do so, the more you reveal your own uniqueness where the most potent sense of extraordinariness exists.
4). Look for simplicity
While we tend to look for some unusual events or uncommon experiences to live to quench our thirst for the extraordinary, we forget that, most of the time, it is in the simplest moments and things that it can be shared. Breathing is free and essential. it requires absolute no conscious effort and is so part of Life that it melts with the parasympathetic system that drive the physical experience throughout your existence. Yet, while it isn’t recognized, the breath represents the clearest path to connect with the extraordinary. To remind yourself daily about the amazing ability for your body to adjust to the environment may be the most humble and empowering way to celebrate the extraordinary in your Life.
5). Journey into the extraordinary
The extraordinary lies within the Light and Light is felt after darkness is faced, embraced and surrendered. Each and every opportunity you get to face your fear is a chance to encounter the extraordinary. Faced with your darkness, you will find more of yourself and understand more about how truly amazing you are! Your fears are the boundaries between the “You” that you know and the “You” hidden. The journey into the extraordinary is one that moves the boundaries into the unknown.
The extraordinary is always closer than we think. It may simply begin by You remembering that, amongst your ordinary circumstances, you always have the power to seek, see, feel, reveal and share the extraordinary beauty that you, yourself, hold and that Life, itself offers.
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